London sometimes is called – “salad bowl”, because people of different nationalities and cultures live there. We know that immigrants coming to another country sometimes formed so called “ethnic neighborhoods”. Nowadays we can find Chinatowns in many cities around the world such as New-York, Paris, Las-Vegas, so in London. There Chinatown is in the Soho territory of the city of Westminster occupying the area around Gerrard Street. The first Chinatown was founded in London in East End. But after the World War the Second chinese cuisine became more popular and a number of Chinese restaurants and cafes appeared in West End of London.

The famous Ronnie Scott’s Jazz Club started here, in Chinatown in the basement № 39. The nowadays Chinatown in London started to form in 1970s. And today it is the territory of Chinese restaurants, cafes, shops and supermarkets with Chinese souvenirs, herbs and newspapers. Usually British Chinese work in Chinatown, but they live in residential compound called Vale Royal House. Only illegal workers can live in Chinatown.

Its cool plase especialy Chinese people in London. Because london my favorite capital city in the world.